Monday, April 16, 2012

little happenings...

while on my internet sabbatical...

We made smores over the stove top. Pretty much every day till the chocolate ran out. 
Justin got a new watch! (you should be impressed. This is a $495 redline watch
I nabbed for $50 from the eBay fashion vault. Keep your eyes out for sales there!)

AND finally after 4 years of not having one, a new wedding ring too.
though he kept seeming to disappear into an enormous stack of anatomy books.  
So we took a break down to Mexico. Where I got a kidney infection...
and Justin taught me the art of kite flying.
and where we fed a sea turtle.
and a very sad sea lion.

We got colored (much to my shagrin, though I admit, I know I got off VERY easy).
AND got some wonderful, miraculous and slightly terrifying news
(there will be much more on this later. I promise)


Gentri said...

Oh my goodness!! :D Congratulations!! So happy for you! You will make a fantastic mother. :)

Sweet November said...

The last two photos are my favorite! :o) xoxoxo

L!$@ said...

Sounds like an awesome little break :D and Congratulations on bub too!!