Monday, August 13, 2012

thoughts on pregnancy...

Justin and I were talking the other day, about how special this pregnancy has been. Getting everything ready, learning and going to classes together, talking about how we want to do things with our child, and watching him grow and grow and grow over the last nine months.

It has been such a special experience for us both, that it is hard to see how any following pregnancies could be just as treasured an experience.

But I've realized that a lot of what has made this pregnancy so special is because it is all about this specific little boy who is coming into our life. This unique child or our Heavenly Father whom we've been given the responsibility to love and take care of. The things that have been most special aren't because we are having a baby, but because we are having this baby.

And I think that is how it will always be. How we can always make it special. Whether we are adopting, or have another pregnancy, as long as we remember and think about the value and uniqueness of each little spirit and their journey into our home, how could the experience not be uniquely special?


Kara said...

I am so excited for you to experience the undescribable love of a mother for her child. Having a little baby of your very own is so incredibly wonderful and I am so happy you will be experiencing that very soon! Good luck with the labor and delivery and I hope all goes well!!

Alyce O said...

You're so right! I used to wonder how I could ever love another child after I had Oli and kind of felt bad for anymore I would have! But I realized after I had JJ that you love them because they are yours. I cried when I found out Eli was a boy, again, but now I look at him and I couldn't imagine my life any other way without these three amazing spirits. You guys are gonna be amazing, boys are best!!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! you are almost there.. it will just keep getting better and better from here!

Unknown said...

Awesome outfit! I love the drss!

Shauntelle said...

Exactly! I'm 19 weeks pregnant with my first right now, and was just thinking the same thing you were the other day--like how the first is probably the most "special." I knew it wasn't true, but I couldn't really explain why. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts on it. :)

Unknown said...

This is such a sweet post. I am so happy for you and your husband. Any child will be so blessed to have you two as parents.


elise rogers said...

oh my gosh you look so adorable!! I love your look and your blog! I'm now following and cannot wait to read more!


Unknown said...

Congrats!! you are almost there.. it will just keep getting better and better from here!

how long is pregnancy