Friday, August 12, 2011

I love...


I've pretty much taken the last two days off of work. With graduation and dealing with family stuff, its been nice not to stress about work, and just have time to think and take care of things.

Roxy has been so sweet today, she's been following me around, and whenever I stop moving for longer than 30 seconds, she comes and cuddles up to me. 

I think that our puppies have extra perceptual abilities or something, because whenever I feel a bit  sad or overloaded with all the changes we've been experiencing, they are always right there to make me feel better. 

I love my puppies.

What do you love today?




Gentri said...

So cute! Did you know that dogs are the closest animals related to humans in the emotional sense? Cool huh?! :D so that means they can not only have emotions but feel the emotions aroun them. I have a smart uncle who told me this. Haha!

P! said...

Aw, those pups are too too sweet- how cute! And I agree that dogs just pick up on our emotions and compensate for the downslope, when we need it. Today, I am loving my new dress and the fact that the weekend is ALMOST here!

Jessica said...

I love your dress! So cute! Thanks for visiting my blog :)

henning love said...

i absolutely love my puppies too they are the sweetest things to come home to second to my husband of course and they definitely snuggle up whenever i am feeling down i agree they can sense when something isn't right

LePetiteLemon said...

What adorable puppies! They look exactly like puppies my parents had! Soooooooooooo adorable!!!! I can't stand it!! =P