i like me.

There are too many things in this world that bring people down: unrealistic beauty ideals and ridiculous comparisons; standards and molds that if you don't fit into, people look at you funny and wonder "what is wrong with you?"

This makes me sad.

 Regardless of weight, skin tone, age, or pay grade, you should love yourself for who you are, as you are.

So, by joining this list, you are committing to like yourself. Not just liking yourself, but celebrating yourself, your uniqueness, your difference,  your talents; you. You are committing to really appreciating yourself as you are and trying to avoid comparing yourself to anyone else.

Show your commitment and identify with the group by putting one of these little buttons on your blog sidebar, and  make a practice of writing and noticing things that you like about yourself, or why you like being you. Promote your own healthy self worth, and we can inspire others to do the same!

